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Which Social Media Platform is Right For You

When it comes to social media platforms, there are a lot to choose from nowadays. It can be overwhelming given all of the possibilities and you may need some help on where to start. We have gone through the top social media platforms that you may be interested in and why they may work for you


You are most likely familiar with the social media behemoth, Facebook. But if you are not, the platform is a great place to see what is going on with your friends and family. You can post news, links, videos, photos, and much more. You are able to join a group on virtually any topic imaginable and find a community of like-minded people. Additionally, you can buy and sell whatever you want on Facebook Marketplace. This is a great spot on their platform to find gems for cheap!

When to use Facebook:

  • If you’re interested in keeping up with the lives of family and friends

  • If you’re looking for online-only gathering spaces for people with similar interests (Facebook groups) 

  • If you are looking to buy and sell items with those in your geographic area


LinkedIn is the best place for professional networking and business-related content. Whether you are in the market for a new job, or just want to stay up-to-date on what is going on in a specific industry, LinkedIn is a great platform to be on. You can share links and articles to your feed, and as your connections grow, you will be able to see content that they like and comment on your feed as well. You can reconnect with old work colleagues or make new friends as there are over 740 million people on the platform. 

When to use LinkedIn:

  • If you want to network with current and former colleagues

  • If you are looking for a professional community of like-minded and dedicated individuals

  • If you want to share your original content or repost articles that interest you


YouTube is the second-most visited website after Google, and it has over 1 billion monthly users. So needless to say, there is a seemingly endless supply of videos on every possible subject imaginable. YouTube is the best spot on the web to view content in the form of videos and they can be tutorials, vlogs (video blogs), lectures, news clips, movies, and many more. You can even watch live events or news coverage in addition to buying and renting a wide selection of new and classic movies.

When to use YouTube

  • If you want to watch videos that entertain and instruct you

  • If you want to create short or long-form videos for a wider audience

  • If you are ready to put yourself out there and start creating video content


TikTok is a platform that allows you to watch and post short video clips that can be accompanied by music. Most visibly popular with a younger demographic, TikTok has incredible people of all age groups as creators. You are able to cut the video clips to make small movie-like segments. There is a seemingly endless supply of trends on the platform, and TikTok makes it easy for you to replicate and try your own version. This is a fun way to try something new, and if you aren’t comfortable sharing your videos just yet, you can keep your account on private so only people you approve can watch your content. 

When to use TikTok

  • If you want to be entertained by short video clips that can be centered around a current trend or instructional by nature

  • If you want to create short-form video content to share among a wide audience or a curated group of followers 

  • If you are ready to try a platform that is new and centered around having fun


Instagram, which is owned by Facebook (Meta) is a platform that allows you to post photos and videos in a variety of ways. You can have an account that is public (anyone who searches you can see it) or private (you get to approve your followers and until doing so they cannot view your posts). Instagram is particularly good for those who are visual-based creators, but lots of people use it as a sort of digital scrapbook. You are able to “Go Live” and record yourself talking to your followers in real-time, and like Facebook, they offer a Marketplace for you to buy and sell virtually anything you can imagine.

When to use Instagram

  • If you want to post photos or videos to a wide audience or a curated group of followers

  • If you want to see photos, videos, and infographics from your friends and virtually every business imaginable

  • If you are looking to buy and sell items from online-focused businesses


Twitter is a platform that offers users to write short-form posts (280 characters per tweet). However, you are able to link continuous tweets to make a thread for people to read more succinctly. Popular with politicians, entrepreneurs, and journalists among others, Twitter offers great trending news through the form of hashtags. You just have to type “#” and your subject of interest directly after with no spaces, like #hellosocialize. Twitter offers a robust trending section that allows you to see breaking news in your local geographic area but also designated areas of interest. 

When to use Twitter

  • If you want to share short-form text posts with a wide audience or a curated group of followers

  • If you want to be up-to-date on trending topics in your geographic area and your areas of interest.

  • If you want to find new articles from today’s leading journalists, entrepreneurs, and politicians


Clubhouse is a new audio-based app that allows for open conversation among individuals. Compared to others on this list, Clubhouse is relatively new as a social media platform and it was once an invite-only service. However, anyone can join now and when you have signed up, you will notice that many well-known people are on it. How it works is that you can create a conversation and allow only selected people to contribute freely. When others in the virtual room are listening, they are able to raise their virtual hand to ask a question or leave the conversation quietly without anyone being notified. This is a great platform to learn new things and hear from a wide range of people, and as of July 2021, TED has an exclusive contract allowing you to listen to unique conversations made for the platform.

When to use Clubhouse

  • If you want to listen to paneled audio conversations on select topics of interest to you

  • If you are interested in hosting conversations where you have the opportunity to choose who gets to talk and on what topic